About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Gimme a call

Gimme a Call by Sarah Mlynowski

We've just recieved more books yeah!!!! So I want to give you a quick peek at some of them - unfortunately I haven't had a chance to read all these titles so I'm just going to give you the book jacket info and a trailer if there is one.

A new life is just a phone call away!
Devis' life isn't turning out at all like she wanted. She wasted the past three years going out with Bryan - cute, adorable, break-your-heart Bryan. Devi let her friendships fade, blew off studying, didn't join any clubs ... and now that Bryan has broken up with her, she has nothing left.
Not even her stupid cell phone - she dropped it in the fountain at the mall. Now it only calls one number -- hers. At age fourteen, three years ago.
Once Devi gets over the shock - and convinces her younger self that she isn't some wacko - she realizes she's been given an awesome gift. She can tell herself all the right things to do ... because she's already done the wrong ones. Who better to take advise from? right?

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