About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Cheat

The Cheat by Amy Goldman Koss
The summary:
Cheating on a geography midterm is only the beginning. It seemed simple enough - they were given the answers from last year's test and they used them. But they got caught, and what was done without much thought leads to greater and greater consequences. Now they are facing punishment at school, tension at home and no one is sure how or when it will end.
This book is told through the voices of six, eighth graders who are involved in the scenario of what would you do if you were given the answers to a mid-term exam and the emotional roller coaster the follows them, when they're caught.Was there a snitch? What will this mean outside of school?
I've got mixed feelings on this one, I felt that only half of the narrators seemed believable , one I even questioned what importance she had at all on the story. I liked the premise of the story and think it leaves room for some excellent discussion. I did like how Katie saw everything as multiple choice, and I enjoyed Sarah's poetry and sarcastic attempts at the essay on cheating she has to write.
Here's one of the poems:
'Tis a lie to pretend that I read the text.
'Tis a lie as well for which I'm hexed.
For I do NOT know the sea from land,
I'd still be lost with map in hand.
For I did not cram
For this exam.
You bet I regret not doing the work,
And now I feel like a total jerk.
But that's not punishment enough!
It must be meaner! Must be rough!
Unless I rat, I'll have to roast.
Tattle or I'm freaking toast!
But though you burn me as a witch,
You gots to know: I ain't no snitch!
This is a quick read with only 176 pages.

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