About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Scorpio Races

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

Not since the days when I made my way through the Black Stallion series by Walter Farley have I been this caught up in a horse racing book. But this is a horse racing book with a twist, this is a horse racing book that is layered with mythology and legends that I had never heard of - the capall uisce, horses that are from the sea, horses that are wild and untamable except for a short time each year when the Scorpio Races are held. But even then the call of the salt air and the crashing waves of the sea call to these beings, and a rider must be on his guard because these horses want nothing more than to drag them into the sea with them. Sean is the returning champion and seems to have a way of speaking with these beasts, Puck is a young girl who is the first girl to ever enter the competition and who has nothing to lose but everything to gain if she wins. Both will have to do battle with the other riders, their horses and each other.

I know for some of you this will be too much of a stretch of the imagination, but the characters of both Sean and Puck are well developed and so to are those of the horses they will ride on the first day of November.

Book trailer.

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