About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Nex-generation digital book

Last week Mr. Hall sent a very interesting link to a TED talk that is very relevant to libraries, schools and the future of books.
Here's the link:

Later in the day I watched the clip with two classes of grade seven's. Here is some of the discussion and comments we had.
Cool -- (first and foremost.)
Content could be constantly revised and updated with the latest statistics, info-graphs and maps -- maybe information could also be made country specific rather than looking at info only pertaining to United States we could look at others as well.
Jobs of the future -- graphic design, videographers, software design, copy editors (fact checkers).
Appeals to a larger audience - than just text.
Problems with creating a digital divide between the haves' and the have/nots.
Easily damaged - if you drop it, etc.
Hacking issues.
Eliminates the problem of heavy backpacks.
Choosing the best/right format. What will it be next month - is this the flavour of the week?

Students weren't sure if they would be seeing this sort of textbook in their high-school years, some were optimistic in thinking 2 years, but most thought it was about five years away.

1 comment:

Mr. Hall said...

Similar feedback to what I heard in my advisor group. I am interested to see if large companies are willing to provide a more school friendly version of their technology. A cost friendly version of an Ipad or similar tablet would allow for more schools and students to benefit from the development of this new book format.