About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Roadsworth by Roadsworth and Bethany Gibson

Yesterday I took our "Guess the Reader" contest winner with me on a lunch hour shopping spree. The above is one of the choice books we brought back with us for our library.

Here's the write up:
In Oct. of 2001 paint was spilled on the streets of Montreal. A stark primative bike symbol, looking suspiciously like the one the city used to designate the bike path; a giant zipper, pulled open down the centre line of the street on a busy commuter route ; the footprint of a giant, stomping through the city while the people slept. By 2004 Roadsworth had pulled off close to 300 pieces of urban art on the streets of Montreal. In the fall he was charged with 51 counts of public mischief. It seemed to signal the end of his career. Instead the citizens of Montreal and lovers of his work from around the world rallied their support. A year later he was let off with a slap on the wrist.

This is a thought provoking look at-  What is considered public space?, Is graffiti art? When is graffiti art?  Will societies views on graffiti change? Are they changing now?

Here's a small clip from the National Film Board  film titled -  Roadsworth: Crossing the line.

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