About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Icefall by Matthew J. Kirby

I read this book last week and felt completely caught up in it. If your looking for your next action / adventure book that is somewhat based in mythology (like the Percy Jackson books), I would recommend that your give this one a try. I especially liked the aspect of Solveig becoming a storyteller, and retelling the myths and legends of her people (Norse, I think) to keep the peace, to keep them hopeful or motivate them. It truly showed the power of story and the strength of her character.

Trapped in a hidden fortress tucked between towering moutains and a frozen sea, Solveig, along with her brother the crown prince, their older sister, and an army of restless warriors, anxiously awaits news of her father's victory at battle. But as the winter stretches on and the unending ice refuses to break, terrible acts of treachery soon make it clear that a traitor lurks in their midst. A malevolent air begins to seep through the fortress walls and a smouldering claustrophobia slowly turns these prisoners of winter against one another.
Those charged with protecting the King's children are all suspect, and the siblings must choose their allies wisely. But who can be trusted so far from their father's watchful eye? Can Solveig and her siblings survive the long winter months and expose the traitor before he succeeds in destroying a kingdom?

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