About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Uglies: Shay's Story

Uglies: Shay's Story by Scott Westerfeld ; illustrations by
Steven Cummings
Summary from back cover:
Uglies told Tally Youngblood's version of life in Uglyville and the budding rebellion against the Specials. Now comes an exciting graphic novel revealing new adventures in the Uglies world - as seen through the eyes of Shay. Tally's rebellious best friend who's not afraid to break the rules, no matter the cost.
A few months shy of her sixteenth birthday, Shay eagerly awaits her turn to become a Pretty - a rite-of-passage operation called "the Surge" that tranforms ordinary Uglies into paragons of beauty. Yet after befriending the Crims, a group of fellow teens who refuse to take anything in society at face value, Shay starts to question the whole concept. And as the Crims explore beyond the monitored borders of Uglyville into the forbidden , ungoverned wild, Shay must choose between the perks of being Pretty and the rewards of being real.

I've tried reading the Uglies series before and never could get into to it - so I thought I'd give the graphic novel version a try - this was the right path for me, I liked the futuristic interpretation of the Uglies / Pretties world. The Black & White manga style drawing is a great choice  for these wide eyed teens in a society where everything revolves around looks. It was a fun, fast read and I look forward to more of the graphic novel adaptations.
Fans of Maximum Ride graphic novels might want to try this series out.

Book trailer.

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