About Me

I'm the school librarian at G.S. Lakie Middle School. As you can see - me, reading and comfy chairs go way back. I still enjoy Asterix and many other graphic novels. My main reason for blogging is for reviewing books for the students and anyone else that might be interested in YA literature.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to ditch your fairy by Justine Larbalestier

How to ditch your fairy by Justine Larbalestier

From the back cover--
If you lived in a world where everyone had a personal fairy, what kind would you want?
  • A clothes-shopping fairy (the perfect outfit will always be on sale!)
  • A loose-change fairy (pretty self-explanatory.)
  • A never-getting-caught fairy (you can get away with anything...)
Unfortunately for Charlie, she's stuck with a parking fairy - if she's in the car, the driver will find the perfect parking spot. Tired of being treated like a personal parking pass, Charlie devises a plan to ditch her fairy for a more useful model. At first, teaming up with her archenemy (who has an all-the-boys-like-you fairy) seems like a good idea. But Charlie soon learns there are consequences for messing with fairies - and she will have to resort to extraordinary measures to set things right again.

So my review, this was a fun, clever, good book , but it could have been a great book if the author would have tied up a few of the loose ends. This alternate world of Avalon was okay, I liked the made-up slang (but would have liked the glossary at the beginning of the book - rather than the end). I liked the fact that Stefan was from the outside and that he questioned why Avalon was so great, why sports were soo important, and the fact that Charlie started to look around and see her world a bit differently. I liked thinking about the different fairies that everyone might have (I think I have a good-nights-sleep fairy or a don't-worry-too-much fairy), but I didn't like how convenient it was after Charlie finally got rid of her fairy that she could just dream up a new one.
And your left hanging about Charlie and Stefan in the end.
Like I say - this is a fun book but it kind of just scratches the surface of being a great book with a rave review.

What's your fairy?
Read On.

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