This Isn't What It Looks Like by Pseudonymous Bosch
What do you think you're looking at? This book contains top secret, super-classified, highly confidential information...
...about Cass, who may be in grave danger. She's eaten the dreaded Time Travel Chocolate - and you know what that means... I won't even begin to tell you what trouble this delicacy has caused in the past. If only Cass could leave the past behind! But it appears she is literally stuck in it. How will Cass find her way home? Shield you eyes, but peek through your sticky, chocolate covered fingers and read on if you must!
...about Max-Ernest, who is worried for his best friend. He's got to face facts - Cass is being held at the hospital... in a coma. Can the expert hypochondriac diagnose her condition before it's too late? And will he have what it takes to save the survivalist?
For Max-Ernest, it's a race against time; for Cass, a race through it. For the rest of you, well, it's a race to find out what happens next, of course... before I come to my senses and stop telling their story altogether. but proceed with caution, and be sure to read carefully because... this isn't what it looks like.
There you have it - the inside scoop on Book 4 of the Secret Series. but shhhh, keep it a secret - will yah.
P.S. I love this series.
P.S.S. It reminds me of Hamish X.
P.S.S.S. If you like hilarious Hamish X, you might like this series.
P.S.S.S.S. It has lots of silly footnotes as well.
P.S.S.S.S.S. It also has an intriguing book trailer.
P.S.S.S.S.S.S. You might want to watch it - check it out below.
P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. Read On :-D